Before contacting us for customer support, please check these pages: FAQ | Installation Guide | System Requirements.
If you are unable to resolve your issue AFTER checking these pages, we will be happy to help.
When contacting us, you will need to include ALL of the following information:
• Your registered e-mail address.
• The date of purchase.
• The software you are using (e.g.; MBL DBL M1L).
• The Version Number (e.g.; v2.0.1, etc.).
• A list of all other Final Mix Software products you have installed in your computer.
• Your Computer (Mac or PC).
• Your Operating System (eg; Mac OSX v 10.7.5).
• Your DAW (e.g.; Pro Tools).
• What version? (e.g.; 10.3.7).
• How did you install the software? (Installer or other method (describe).
• Did you check your computer and verify the plugin is in the correct location? (CLICK HERE for a list).
• Where was the software installed?
• For VST users: Does your DAW support VST 2.4 plugins?
• A Detailed Description of the problem:
CLICK HERE for the Customer Support form to submit with your request.